How to create a comprehensive performance evaluation process

  • Updated

1. Access the performance evaluation process management module

To get there, use the following path:
Admin > Human Resources > Performance Evalution

A list of all performance evaluation processes in the organization will appear.


2. Click on the Create Process button located in the upper right corner of the page


3. Complete all the steps

For details on each of the steps, see the following articles:

  1. Complete the General Information section
  2. Complete the Assignment section
  3. Complete the Evaluation Questionnaires section
  4. Complete the Calcuation section
  5. Complete the Results Shared with the Employee section
  6. Complete the Attachments and Note to Reviewers section

_icon.svg Warning! Some fields are mandatory, these fields are marked with an asterisk (*). The button allowing you to go to the next step will be inactive if these fields are not completed.


At any time, it is possible to return to a completed step by using:

  • The navigation arrows located at the bottom of the page
  • By clicking directly on the desired step in the process tracking component located on the left side of the page


3. Review your process in the Summary section

To learn more about this step, see the Section Summary article


4. Click on Finish creating the process in the last step

To learn more about this step, see the article Finish creating an evaluation process or save as a draft.