In this section, you must indicate how you want to share results by evaluator.
Editing results
Choose whether you want to allow evaluators to edit their assessments after they have been completed. To do so, you need to activate the Allow manager to edit results function.
Results sharing settings
Share the evaluation result to the employee
In this section, you need to decide whether to share the results with employees and the sharing options.
Type of sharing
You have the option of sharing results as soon as the evaluation is submitted, or when the assessor or a user with appropriate rights decides to do so.
- Upon sharing action by the manager (Manual sharing)
- Upon submission of the form by the evaluators (Automatic sharing)
Share the total result
This option allows you to share only the scores of the evaluations, or to share the total score, i.e. the average of the scores of each evaluation in the process.
Share manager results
You can activate the Share manager results option and specify whether you want to share the total result given by the evaluator or share the content of the sections of the evaluation.
- Share the total result given by the evaluator
Share the content of the sections of the evaluation - Select the information you want to share in each section for each evaluator.
Warning! It is not possible to share comments only.
October 2024 update: To allow users to confirm that they have read the manager's assessment, you can activate the Request a reading confirmation option. The reading confirmation request will be sent when the evaluation's results are shared to the employee.
Share peers results
You can activate the following options:
- Share the total result of the peer review
- Share the total result of the evaluation of each of the peers
- Share the content of each peers' assessment
Share self-assessment
You can activate the following options:
- Share the total result given by the evaluator
- Share the content of the sections of the evaluation
👉 Next step: Attachments and note to evaluators
Click the arrow to go to the Attachments and note to evaluators section (see Create an evaluation process: Attachments and note to evaluators).