Visibility Management of Personal Information
Improvement of visibility management options: This update enhances the security and confidentiality of employee data on the Folks platform. Administrators can now more precisely define access rights to personal information (phone numbers, date of birth, gender, emergency contacts, addresses, personal email) both at the role level or at the user level directly, allowing organizations to comply with best data management practices and Law 25.
- Multiple authentication emails sent if a 2FA user clicks on the Login button multiple times.
- Fixed duplication of sections in performance evaluations.
- Corrected the display of qualitative evaluation results.
- Fixed the display of vacation requests in English.
- Resolved the issue where certain unapproved requests were not appearing.
- Fixed incorrect redirection of unapproved requests.
- Resolved display issues in Safari.
- [API-V2] Unable to create an employee with the site operation number/department number.
- Investigated the excessive creation of company norms entities.
- Modified API v1 for absences and vacations.
- Increased timeout for [GET] Employees.
- Removed the intranet tab.
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