Evaluation with a quantitative outcome

  • Updated

The quantitative scoring system works on a percentage basis. Each occurrence contains 4 types of scores: Section ScoreEvaluator score, Total Score and Overall Score.

  • Section Score: The score given by the evaluator per section
  • Evaluator Score: The score given by the evaluator for the occurrence
  • Total Score: The final score for the occurrence
  • Overall Score: The final score of the process


The Overall Score will be generated as follows:

  • The Evaluator Score for an assessment completed by an evaluator is calculated by averaging the Section Scores it contains.
  • The Total Score of a process occurrence is calculated by averaging the Evaluator Scores.
  • The Overall Score is calculated by averaging the Total Scores

Type_light-bulb__Size_small.svg Tips and tricks: All of the scores can be adjusted by the evaluator.