Electronic signature - Signing a document

Jean-Simon Bolduc
Jean-Simon Bolduc
  • Updated

You received an email asking you to sign a document eletronically? 

1. Click on Read and Sign in the email you just received.
A page in your web browser will open where you can view the document.

2. Click on Start in the banner at the top of the page
Fill in all the required fields
• Click on the text fields to fill them in manually.
• Click on the signature fields to sign the document. A window will open where you can choose the type of signature you want to use.
• Click on Insert 

Type_light-bulb__Size_small.svg Tips and tricks: Quickly move from one field to another by clicking on Next Required Field at the top right of the form.

If you have more than one field to fill in the document, a message will be displayed at the top left of the form to specify the number of mandatory fields you have to fill in.
Once you added the information in the required field(s), a green confirmation message will be displayed at the top of the screen.
Then, click on Continue 


3. Click on I accept in the message at the top of the screen to complete your signature.
A confirmation email will be sent to each signee in which the signed document can be downloaded.
A confirmation email will be sent to the sender to notify them of the completed process.


_icon.svg Warning!
• For multiple signees document, the confirmation email will be sent once all signees have signed the document.

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