Onboarding - Definition of "Delay"

Jean-Simon Bolduc
Jean-Simon Bolduc
  • Updated

The "Delay" field allows you to indicate when a task should be launched in an onboarding process. The "Delay" is calculated from the employee's hiring date in order to manage notifications and dates when tasks are due.


This field is available in the "Admin > Human Resources > Onboarding/Offboarding> Task management " section.


 To launch a task before the hiring date of an employee, select the "Launch day" delay.


In order to launch a task after the day the process is launched, it is possible to set it up in the following ways:

  • By "Days".
  • By "Months
  • By "Year".



In all cases, three reminder emails could be sent to the task owners :

  • The first one at the time of the launch (for tasks to be done on the day of the launch, this is the only email the task manager will receive)
  • The second one 7 days before the due date of the task
  • The last one the day the task is due



The manager will have access to the tasks to be completed by accessing the current process through the message center or the "Employee > Onboarding" section.



No reminders are sent for overdue tasks. It is your responsibility to follow up.



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