The username inside Folks is the user's e-mail address. Each e-mail can only be used once. So how do I create test users to validate that my security roles are appropriate?
The answer is simple and accessible to everyone! When creating a test user, add your e-mail address ( to the e-mail field. However, you need to modify it a little by adding +something just before the @. Ex: or
This e-mail will be seen by Folks as an e-mail not used by another user and will enable you to create several users with your own e-mail. This manipulation sends e-mails to an alias of your e-mail address, and you'll receive messages sent by Folks in your real mailbox. You can add anything after the + symbol to identify the user and the e-mails received from the platform. However, each alias can only be used for one user. If you delete a test user, the e-mail alias for that user will be accessible again.