How can I Modify my Login Information?

Jean-Simon Bolduc
Jean-Simon Bolduc
  • Updated

How can I access my login information and update it?

  1. Access the "My information" section from the "Navigation" menu to start updating your information.
  2. To change the username, adjust the "First Name" and "Last Name" fields.
  3. To change the login email, make the necessary changes in the "Email" field.
  4. To adjust the display language of the platform, click on the "Language" dropdown menu and select your desired language.
  5. To update your password, fill in the "Password" and "Password Confirmation" fields, ensuring to meet the following criteria:
    • At least one digit
    • At least one letter (uppercase not required)
    • At least one special character among the following: !@#$%?&*()+
    • A minimum of 6 characters
  6. To enhance the security of your account, consider enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) by checking the corresponding box. Once enabled, a code will be sent to your email address with each login, in addition to your password.
  7. Click "Save" once all modifications are made.

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