Summary - Viewing performance evaluation results

Jean-Simon Bolduc
Jean-Simon Bolduc
  • Updated

Explanation of the results summary

The summary table functions the same as a calendar, it is based on your company's HR reference year. It displays the various processes, regardless of their frequency.


Employee column

In this column, you'll find the avatar of your employees. Only employees with at least one evaluation process are displayed, all other employees are hidden. You can hover over the employee's avatar to display his or her information.

Type_light-bulb__Size_small.svg Tips and tricks: Employees are sorted alphabetically by default.


Process column

The second column contains all processes assigned to an employee.


Type_light-bulb__Size_small.svg Tips and tricks: Processes are sorted in order of frequency, from least to most frequent, so you can quickly distinguish between them. Probation processes are always listed first.


Calendar section

  • All results are displayed in this section.
  • When an evaluation is scheduled for a specific month, an indicator will appear in the corresponding column.
  • When a result is entered for a process, it will be displayed in the corresponding cell.

_icon.svg Warning! This is the result entered in real time for the evaluation. If not all of your evaluators have completed their entries, the result displayed will only calculate completed evaluations.

_icon.svg Warning! The cells will be empty for occurrences in the months preceding the hiring of an employee and for the months preceding the creation of a process in the system.


Current year's total column

The header of this column shows the HR reference year for the current year. This column contains the total result of the process. It is an average of all evaluations during the year.


View a detailed evaluation of a specific employee occurrence

  1. Click on a result to display detailed results by evaluator. A window will appear.
  2. In the window, click on the View contents button to access the completed evaluation form.