In order to perform monthly vacation accrual for your employees, you must ensure that your system is set up to do so. If the options shown in this article are not available, contact technical support or your Customer Success Manager to adjust your settings.
Once the setting is activated in your account, within Employee Norms, you will now have a new option named Monthly Accrual. This new norm will allow you to add the amount of vacation to be accrued to each employee every month. This field can be modified at any time to adjust an employee's accrual as his or her accrual rate increases, or to manage a particular situation.
You'll also notice that there's now a 2nd vacation norm called Accrued Vacation. This norm represents the amount your employee has accumulated since the beginning of the year. It is in this norm that the Monthly Accrual amount will be added each last day of the month at midnight. This field can be modified to add an initial bank to an employee, or to adjust the total if monthly accruals were not as expected.
Vacation accrued this way will be visible when a request is made, when an entry is made, in the Employee Profile Performance Indicators and in the Vacation Summary.