Create a user

Jean-Simon Bolduc
Jean-Simon Bolduc
  • Updated

1. Go to the "Admin > Users > User Management" section.

2. Fill in the following fields:

  • First name
  • Last Name
  • Email address

3. You can also fill in the "Initials" of the user. This feature will allow you to see the initials of this user if he/she has made the last modification in an entry.



The email is the username and will be used to connect to the platform.


4. Assign a security role to the user.



If the user does not have a security role, check the permissions manually one by one.


5. Link the user to their employee profile by selecting the employee's name in the "Employee" field.



If the employee needs to make requests or consult his employee profile, do not forget this step otherwise he will not be able to perform any of these actions.


6. If the user is not restricted to their own information, it is important to restrict the user to the operating sites and/or employee departments to which they should have access rights.

7. Click on "Save".



The employee will receive an email with a link to create a password and then access the platform. The link will be active for 7 days following the reception of the email. If the employee has not opened it within the prescribed time, go to the "Admin > Users > User List" section to delete the user and create the user again.



It is possible that the email will end up in the junk box, so be sure to check there if you do not find the email in the regular box.


If you create a new user who should only see his or her own information, it is recommended that before saving you always check the "Restrict information to the selected employee" box as you may be giving access to other employees' files and thus breaking confidentiality.


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