Introduction to Forms in Glow Talents

Folks Documentation
Folks Documentation
  • Updated

In this article, we present the different types of forms available in Glow Talents, essential for optimizing your recruitment process. Together we'll explore the candidate form, interview forms, request forms, preselection forms, as well as information and consent forms.

Follow our steps to master these tools and improve your team's efficiency in managing applications.

Creating forms

When you log in, in the main menu, go to Form Builder. This will take you to a list of all forms currently created (if any have already been created). To create a form, proceed as follows.

  1. In the form builder, click Create a new form at the top right of the list.
  2. Scroll down the page to select the type of form (Candidate sheet, Meeting, Request or Preselection), then enter a name and description.
  3. Then use the options on the right to build your form. Simply drag the desired elements into the white section.
  4. When you've finished, click Save.

Once a form has been created, the following actions are available: Enable / Disable, Edit, Duplicate, View and Delete.

Note that the Login column contains the identifier assigned to the form by Glow.

You can create as many forms as you want and customize them based on the information you want to gather.

Form types

Define forms that you can send to your candidates for interviews or customize forms for online applications.

Type Description
Candidate sheet form These forms can be used as templates in the candidates' files to be sent to them, or in the requests. (request details > Candidates presented > Action: Submit a form).
Meeting form These forms can be used for interview requests (candidate file > Interviews section). For internal use.
Request form This form can be used when creating a job to fill as an additional information form. It will be used to collect information that is not included in the job to fill.
Preselection form This form is used to collect information about applicants at the time of their application. It can be added when a position is published in Glow.
The following forms are also available in the candidate file:
Information form This form may be used to acquire confidential information, such as social insurance or health insurance numbers.
Consent form This form can be used to obtain consent for the processing of candidate data. You will first need to create a consent in Settings.

Examples of use

Candidate sheet form

Once you've created a candidate form, in a candidate's file > Candidate forms section, click the Candidate forms icon to send it to the candidate.

  1. In the window that opens, select a participating recruiter and the candidate form previously created.
  2. Then specify an expiration date, and enter the email subject and message.
  3. When you've finished, click Send. The request will appear in the bottom section.

In the history, you'll see the date the request was sent, the date the applicant completed the form (submission date) and the status of the request. When the applicant completes the form, the status will change from Pending to Submitted. If the applicant does not complete the form and the expiration date has passed, the status will change to Expired.

You will also have the option of editing and deleting the application.

Interview form

  1. In a candidate's file > Interviews section, click the Interviews icon to send an invitation.
  2. To add an interview form to the invitation, select it from the drop-down list.
  3. Fill in the required information and click Add.

You'll see the interview form when you return to the Interviews section of the candidate's file. During the interview, you can click on the form icon to answer the questions. You can also download the form.

Request form

  1. In the request creation window (Recruitment > Requests > + Add a request), under the Information section, you can select a request form in the Additional info form field.
  2. Complete the necessary information and click Save.

You'll find the form in the details of the job to fill (Details column > Details icon). In the Request details section, click the Form icon to the right of the Job title.

Preselection form

  1. In the position publication window (request details > Publication), under the Information section, you can select a preselection form from the drop-down list.
  2. Complete the necessary information and click Validate. The form will appear in the job and must be completed by applicants.

In the details of the job to fill, under Candidates presented section > Web candidates icon, you can find the form for candidates who have completed it by clicking on the Preselection form icon under the Action column.

Information form

  1. In a candidate's file > Information forms section, click the Information forms icon.
  2. In the window that opens, select the information you want to collect.
  3. Then specify an expiration date, and enter the email subject and message.
  4. When you've finished, click Add to send the request to the candidate. The request will appear in the bottom section.

When the applicant completes the form, the status will change to Submitted. If the candidate does not complete the form and the expiration date has passed, the status will change to Expired.

You'll find the candidate's answers in the Further information section of their file.

Consent form

  1. In a candidate's file > Consent forms section, click the Consent forms icon.
  2. In the window that opens, select the information you wish to collect.
  3. Then specify an expiration date, and enter the email subject and message.
  4. When you've finished, click Send. The request will appear in the bottom section.

When the applicant completes the form, if the application is approved, the status will change to Approved. If the expiration date has passed, the status will change to Expired.

If the applicant approves the consent, you'll also see a note in their profile.

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