Configure Holidays

Jean-Simon Bolduc
Jean-Simon Bolduc
  • Updated

Holidays can be created and linked to each employee's province. In this way, the holiday will appear in each employee's absence request module, vacation request module, overtime module, timesheet and calendar, according to the province of residence indicated in their employee profile.


  1. Go to Admin > Human Resources > Norms value.
  2. Click on Edit public holidays.
  3. A window will appear. Click on Add.
  4. Add the name of the holiday, the date and the province to which it applies.
  5. You can also modify an existing holiday by editing the existing information.
  6. Click on Save.

Type_light-bulb__Size_small.svg Tips and tricks: Since public holidays do not fall on the same date from year to year, be sure to update them at the start of each new year. You can also add paid company shut down days here if you wish as well!