Modifying the results of a performance evaluation

Jean-Simon Bolduc
Jean-Simon Bolduc
  • Updated

_icon.svg Warning! In order to allow a supervisor to modify a result, the functionality must be configured as such in the Results management parameters.

1. Access the Process monitoring page:

Menu ➝ Human resources management ➝ Performance evaluation


2. Click on the icon to the left of the process name to be modified.

A list containing the appraised employees will appear.


3. Display the result of the employee to be modified using one of the following 2 options:

  • By clicking on the corresponding status, if you wish to modify the result of the last occurrence.
  • Via the View results option, accessible via the menu at the far right of the table.

4. Click on the edit button. You will then be able to modify the content of the form.


5. Repeat the last step for each part corresponding to a different appraiser.

Click on Save at the bottom of the form to save your changes.