1. Access the process monitoring page
To access the completion page of an evaluation, go to Human Resources Management > Performance Evaluation Process Monitoring.
2. Click on the name of the employee to be evaluated in the appropriate section
Depending on the type of evaluation you are completing, you will need to click on the name of the employee to be evaluated in the appropriate section. There are three sections available to you:
- Employees to evaluate: Evaluations of employees under your supervision
- Peers to evaluate: Evaluations of the colleagues assigned to you
- Self-evaluations to complete: Self-evaluations you are required to complete.
A window will open containing the entire evaluation form. The avatar of the evaluated employee will be displayed at the top of the form.
3. Fill out the evaluation questionnaire
4. Click on Finish when you have completed the questionnaire
The form will only be valid after the evaluator has finalized it by clicking on Finish. The form will then be transformed into a result that can be consulted by clicking on the Three dots icon on the employee's line.