Cancel or delete a performance review process

  • Updated

Cancel an ongoing process

star.png New feature: This feature was added with the October 24, 2024 update.

  1. In Folks, navigate to the performance evaluation process module (Admin > Human Resources > Performance Evaluation Process). A list of all the performance evaluation processes in the organization will appear.
  2. In the evaluation process board, click on the ellipsisellipse.pngof the desired ongoing process and select Cancel current evaluation. A confirmation message will appear informing you that the cancellation will result in the permanent and irreversible deletion of all current evaluations.
  3. To confirm the cancellation, click on Cancel current evaluation. The process status will then change to Ready for the next occurrence.

Once the cancellation has been confirmed, an email is sent to all the employees participating in the evaluation.

Delete a process

1. Access the performance evaluation process management module

To access it, use the following path: Admin >Human Resources > Performance Evaluation Process
A list of all the performance evaluation processes in the organization will appear. 

2. Click on the three dots icon located to the right of the desired process line

A menu will open.

3. Select the Delete option


_icon.svg Warning! If the process is being completed, all unfinished evaluation forms containing information will be lost.

4. Confirm the action

The process will be deleted. The evaluators will no longer have access to the forms to be completed.