Edit an user in the ATS

Jean-Simon Bolduc
Jean-Simon Bolduc
  • Updated

1. Go to the "Admin > Users > User List" tab.



Only the company's main administrator has the required access to create, modify or delete users in the ATS.


2. Locate the user in the list and click on the pencil to edit it.

3. Add or remove "Folks ATS Administrator" access and restrict or add visible facilities in the "Restrict to the following facilities" section as needed.



The "Folks ATS Administrator" checkbox gives the user access to the "Admin" tab. However, the "Users" tile will not be visible even if this right is checked.


4. To change a user's password, add a password in the "New password" field and in the "Repeat new password" field. The modified password is not sent by email to the user. You must send it to the user.



The password must respect the following constraints:

  • A minimum of one number; 
  • At least one letter (not capitalized);
  • At least one special character among these; !@#$%?&*()+
  • A minimum of 6 characters



Once logged into the ATS, the user can change the password by accessing the "My account" section.


5. Click on "Save".



It is important to ask the user to log out and log in again so that the changes applied to their user rights take effect.



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