Approve or deny an overtime request

Jean-Simon Bolduc
Jean-Simon Bolduc
  • Updated

1. Go to the "Pending requests" section of the Message Center.



It is also possible to access the in-depth analysis of the module to approve or deny the request.


2. Locate the overtime request to be approved or denied and click on it.



A request that would bring the employee's balance into the negative will be identified by an exclamation mark. Put your mouse cursor over the exclamation mark to see the details of the request and the remaining balance if approved.


3. To approve the request, go to the "Status" column and click on the green check mark.



A confirmation email will be sent to the employee.


4. To deny the request, go to the "Status" column and click on the red x.

A denial email will be sent to the employee.



The deleted request will be completely removed from the platform and will never be accessible again.



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