Make an employee inactive

Jean-Simon Bolduc
Jean-Simon Bolduc
  • Updated

1. Go to the "Employee > Control panel" section.

2. Click on the drop-down menu "Last, first name" and select the concerned employee.

3. Scroll down to the "Corporate Information" section and click on "Make inactive".



Deactivating an employee in this way does not affect your turnover statistics and it will not be possible to launch a turnover process. In order to create a turnover that affects your statistics and that allows you to launch a turnover process, make the entry in the "Turnover" module. For more information on how to use the "Turnover " module, please refer to the article Make an employee inactive through the turnover control panel.


4. A window will appear with the necessary information for a deactivation, fill in the following fields: - The end date - Permanent departure or temporary layoff

5. If this is a temporary layoff, complete the additional information: - The type of layoff - The expected date of return to work - Calculate seniority during this absence



The seniority calculation is activated when the employee maintains his employment relationship during a temporary layoff. He/she will continue to accumulate normal privileges.



If you specify a date in the future, the employee will remain active until the date is reached.


6. Click on "Save" inside the window.



In order to complete the saving of the profile, it is necessary to save again at the bottom of the "Control panel" otherwise you will lose the previously entered data.



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